Part I prompts: "buzz" and "shortly before sunrise"
Shortly before sunrise---
Why is it always shortly? Have you ever heard any one refer to a time frame of longly before sunrise? I recently read an article in a writers magazine about proofreading your work, being especially aware of the dreaded part of speech, I think it was adverbs (I never figured out how to diagram sentences, or why). To wit: if I write shortly before sunrise--I should rewrite a short time --or long time, before sunrise...
Any way, the buzz that started out by my feet cautiously approached the head of my bed. Quiet at first, them more insistant, it settled first behind my back (I sleep on one side or the other). It faded, then returned, this time settling down near my chest, increasing in tone so much that I can feel it as well as hear it.
I am, of course aware of what is causing this phenomena, and am doing my best to ignore... after a while the noise and vibration stop. Next I feel a light tentative tap, usually on an arm or shoulder. Frustrated by my lack of response and presumed inattentiveness, the next attempt is harder to resist- I quiet buzz restarts, on my pillow right next to my head. Her paw reaches out to touch my chin, and then I am nudged with the top of her head, and rub me--still I will ignore the prompting until...
The thing I cannot resist-she comes face to face with me-tickling my face with her whiskers...yet I know if I could just resist a bit longer...I jump all at once, and she will jump back a good 6 to 8 inches--
I make her live up to her name "Spooky"
2020 Personal Reading Challenge
5 years ago
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