I have for several months been thinking about writing a book, a work of fiction which will outline a different national response to the events of 2/11/01, and what follows. I have been looking for information on what President Bush was doing in Florida that morning, and what his immediate response was. I have been looking for a clip or written text of the unilateral support of Congress that was broadcast later that day. Part of the reason I remember it because Senator Wellstone was in it. I don't remember what all the speech was about, but I vividly remember the joined group singing “God Bless America” afterwards.
This evening put the DVD in my computers CD/DVD player an watched it. Just under two hours in length. I watched it primarily to bring back to mind what people were saying in reaction to the events immediately after. It included several excerpts I had not seen previously, so I re watched several items. But can you imagine? When I turned it off Windows Media Player, the time on the computer screen read 9:11 (PM). I sat stunned for a moment, and I'm not ashamed to admit, it prayed. I feel as though the Holy Spirit rested on my shoulder and said 'write your book..'
As stated above, it will be like a 'parallel universe,' or maybe 'an alternate reality'. It will make suggestions that our response, instead of attacking/invading Afghanistan, and later, Iraq with out military might, we do so with real economic sanctions against Mideast countries suspected of harboring/supporting terrorist cells, in the form of not purchasing any petroleum from such countries. That is the first part of the book. What will follow is what happens to the people and society in that country-- set perhaps 50-100 years in the future...
The post below from yesterday, is a rough draft of a scene I envision taking place in a rural/farming community. For some reason it appears in my mind as being up around Collegeville/St. Joseph area... in the coming days, I hope to post more drafts of ideas involved in this very creative endeavor. Copyright 2008 by the Blogged Sink
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