Saturday, September 17, 2005


So what do bloggers do in their first posts? Let's see...Introduce, explain and apologize? Okay, it's a start.

SINK is an acronym for Single Income No Kids. It is what I am, a statement of my marital status, tax status (no earned income credit, no marriage credit or penalty) , house status (single renter). As for 'Blogged Sink', well it could be bad pun on Clogged SINK. But I am a SINK, and I get clogged with all these opinions and thoughts and ideas and 'earworms' swirling in my brain. I hope by blogging them here, I can unclog. Hmmmm, would that make pushing the post button synonymous with a plunger? Liquid Plumber anyone? Oh geez, that was bad...well stick around and you will find I 'pun' around with words.

As for apology: I hope you are not a plumber or a homeowner who was hoping to find help or a plumbing outfit here. Not going to happen. As I said above, I rent. Anything goes wrong with homes plumbing, I call maintenance.

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