Monday, July 20, 2009

Green Grapes

Every time I eat a grape, especially green ones, I think of my mom. In the mid-70s she had an intestional bypass done to facilitate weight loss. See this infomative link about the procedure, and why it is not done anymore. Afterwards there was a list of forbidden foods, some foods that were okay if some modifications were made. One of these involved grapes. She could eat grapes, and loved the green ones. The draw back was, before she could eat them, they had to be peeled. Have you ever peeled a grape? It is not easy. I remember sitting on the front porch, mom on the glider, and my brother and I peeling grapes...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ocean Sigh

As the tide came in, like the thundering of applause,
the waves met the rocks on the beach. The gulls
called out sheer exuberance as they alternately
winged and soared, gliding on the rising air current,
calling ''ole'' and whistling their approach.

Farther down the shore, the ocean smoothly arrived
on the sandy beach. It seemed as though the sand
was thirsty seemed to reach out to
the water as if to say, "More, more, give me more!"

The ocean repeatedly tried to slake that thirst. It
seemed the sand issued a long, sighing "AHH"
when the ocean covered it, then would fall silent
when the the water receded.

Slowly, the tide calmed, and the sand cooled with
the setting of the sun.
copyright 2009 thebloggedsink

Monday, May 04, 2009


I walk
trampling down
the grass, on
a wet dewy

My sneakers
are soaked
and squishy
with cold water.
I look back
at the trail
I’ve left.
My foot prints
distinctly mark
where I have

The trodden grass
will recover, and
the dew soon
evaporate in
the hot sun of
a summer day.

When these tracks dry to sight,
will they remain-

If I were to go on a journey where
no one has ever been,
and no one follows behind me-
am I still a trail-blazer?

I know there is
another set of
footprints besides mine.

He who has led me here
has blazed a trail in my heart-
it is enough.

copyright the Blogged Sink 2009

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Lime Jello

creative writing 03/02/09

Lime Jello

hospital cafeteria
and masquerading as dessert
we have jello
usually red, but I have seen green.
Cut into cubes, so thick you can
bounce it across the floor.
Hospital jello: leave it out for 3 days
and it's still solid,
never melting.
Hospital jello
you can bounce it across the floor.